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Why we moved to

After selling on Etsy for six months, we decided to close shop there and move to a different online marketplace that aligns more with our creative process and personal values. We appreciate all of our Etsy customers and hope you'll visit us again over at goimagine. Lightwell Cottage does not own any part of the two videos below. We are sharing them directly through goimagine's Youtube channel to help spread their unique mission- One that follows in the footsteps of other philanthropic companies like Newman's Own and Patagonia. It takes a community to help a movement like this grow and succeed, so we hope you'll join us in building the Caring Economy by checking out

Video 1: "goimagine - The Caring Economy"

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Video 2: "Origin Story: Replay from Office Hours"(Goimagine's founder Jon Lincoln holds live office hours each week to connect with goimagine sellers and answer any questions. During this live office hour, someone asked Jon to share the origin story of goimagine.)

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